Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chapter 5 {A Spring of Goodness}

"She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life"
Proverbs 31:12

We {as Proverbs 31 women} should not be content with merely planning to do good.  We should follow through on your good intentions!  You can choose to plan for good or plan for evil, but as God's beautiful women we are called to do good!
The following list will help our springs of goodness to gush!

A: Always contribute spiritually.  We shouldn't discourage our husband about the plans God has for him.
B: Bless his {your husbands} name.  Allow "the law of kindness" to rule your words whenever you talk about him.
C: Control your spending.  Be sensitive to your family's financial situation.
D: Discipline, raise, and train his children.  Proverbs 31 is the teaching of a godly mother to her husband's child.
E: Encourage his dreams.  Fan the flames of his personal aspirations.
F: Follow his leadership.  Eve brought sorrow of heart to her man--and to the world--by not following him.
G: Give your husband the joy of a happy home.
H: Habitually exhibit a steady, predictable nature.
I: Indulge in praising him! 

Keep remembering that the young man hearing these instructions from his mother was single, and he will be seeking these virtues in an unmarried woman!  Clearly, God's goal for all of His women--married or single--is that we be a perpetual spring of goodness.

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3

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