Her Husband
"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders
of the land."
Proverbs 31:23
Behind Every Good Man
So far we have seen that the Proverbs 31 woman must be fit for a king, as powerful and effective in her realm as he will be in his, and like him, earning the respect and esteem of the community she serves. As a modern proverb puts it, "Generally, when a man climbs the ladder of success, his wife is holding the ladder!"
As you think about the husband and wife pictured in Proverbs 31, think of them as a pair of bookends. Both of them are pillars in the community, both are known in the gates, and both are committed to the good of others. Although their spheres of influence are different, they both exhibit the same virtuous character as they live with the same purpose, that of serving others. Just as wise Solomon noted, "Two are better than one" (Ecclesiastes 4:9). As evidence, consider how this matched set works together.
*He contributes to the community; she is his helpmeet. (Genesis 2:18)
*He is successful in the realm of city management; she is successful in the realm of family and home management.
*He is happy at work; she is happy working at home.
*He is respectful and held in high esteem; she preserves and advances his honor by her conduct and example.
*He is deferred to as a solid, influential citizen; she brings credit to him.
*He is a counselor, a man of common sense and not-so-common insight; she speaks with with loving wisdom.
*He exerts his influence on the life of the community in the city gates; she influences the community from home.
*He is known for his solid character and important contributions; so is she.
*He has achieved some worldly wealth and social status; she improves his financial situation as well as his social standing by what she is to him and what she does for him as a wife.
*He has reached his professional aims; she has helped him do so by her diligence and frugality.
*He has earned prestige; she is respected for her creative handiwork.
*He is a virtuous man; she is a virtuous woman.
*He is crowned with honor; she is his crown. (Proverbs 12:4)
See you soon!!
Sara Rose <3