Monday, February 27, 2012

Me and My {Valentine}

I had such an amazing Valentine's weekend spent with my family, and Valentine :)
Saturday was spent traveling up to see him, a trip to dinner and the mall.
Sunday was an amazing day spent on his bus route, making a special taco dinner, wonderful church services, and an evening spent exchanging little gifts to each other and taking mustache photos ;D

And then there was Monday :)

Daniel and I had a special little breakfast, just the two of us that morning, in the hotel lobby.  Then Dad and I went with Daniel to the college's chapel service then we had to say goodbye for a few hours. :)  I went back to the hotel, took a short nap, and then began preparations for the banquet. 
After doing my make-up, re-doing my hair at least four times, and getting into my dress.  I was ready to go out with my wonderful man :)  It was an incredible evening spent at the pier, getting hot chocolate, dinner and putt putt golf.
It was so wonderful to be able to spend so much time with him :)

Enjoy the pictures!

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3

Friday, February 3, 2012

A {Man} of Influence...Chapter 16

Her Husband
"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders
of the land."
Proverbs 31:23

Behind Every Good Man

So far we have seen that the Proverbs 31 woman must be fit for a king, as powerful and effective in her realm as he will be in his, and like him, earning the respect and esteem of the community she serves. As a modern proverb puts it, "Generally, when a man climbs the ladder of success, his wife is holding the ladder!"

As you think about the husband and wife pictured in Proverbs 31, think of them as a pair of bookends.  Both of them are pillars in the community, both are known in the gates, and both are committed to the good of others.  Although their spheres of influence are different, they both exhibit the same virtuous character as they live with the same purpose, that of serving others.  Just as wise Solomon noted, "Two are better than one" (Ecclesiastes 4:9).  As evidence, consider how this matched set works together.

*He contributes to the community; she is his helpmeet. (Genesis 2:18)
*He is successful in the realm of city management; she is successful in the realm of family and home management.
*He is happy at work; she is happy working at home.
*He is respectful and held in high esteem; she preserves and advances his honor by her conduct and example.
*He is deferred to as a solid, influential citizen; she brings credit to him.
*He is a counselor, a man of common sense and not-so-common insight; she speaks with with loving wisdom.
 *He exerts his influence on the life of the community in the city gates; she influences the community from home.
 *He is known for his solid character and important contributions; so is she.

*He has achieved some worldly wealth and social status; she improves his financial situation as well as his social standing by what she is to him and what she does for him as a wife.

*He has reached his professional aims; she has helped him do so by her diligence and frugality.

*He has earned prestige; she is respected for her creative handiwork.

*He is a virtuous man; she is a virtuous woman.

*He is crowned with honor; she is his crown. (Proverbs 12:4)

See you soon!!
Sara Rose <3

Monday, January 30, 2012

She's Back!!

It's time to resume our journey to {try} and become like the Proverbs 31 woman.  
We have reached the 15th checkpoint.  We're almost there!  

A Tapestry of Beauty
~Her Handiwork~
"She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple."
Proverbs 31:22

Beauty Check!
Not for ourselves but for our homes!  My biggest desire is to be the best homemaker I can possibly be.  And as a homemaker, my job would be to make sure that my home looks as beautiful as it possibly can.  My home is not just a reflection of my taste and personality.  It's also a reflection on my testimony for God.

Beauty Check #1--Pretend YOU are the visitor.

Walk through the place where you live. What do you see?  What would a guest notice?  What mood does your home invite?    What pleases you about what you see--and what would you like to improve?  Any sore eyes?  Clutter?  As the homemaker, you are in the position to generate powerful impressions and create a welcoming atmosphere and beautiful environment.

Beauty Check #2--Plan Several Home Improvements

God's beautiful woman is certainly a do-it-yourselfer!  Now, I'm not the greatest when it comes to being very crafty...but I'm learning!  Keep this in mind and you take inventory of your home.  What projects are you working on?  Do your cabinets need a fresh coat of stain or polish?  Do your windows need a good cleaning?
Now, before you start thinking like me, and start thinking about all the money it will cost....Not all improvements will cost you!  Sometimes just cleaning up areas with some clutter will make a world of difference!

Beauty Check #3--Pass It By Your Husband

The Proverbs 31 woman certainly has her priorities in order.  The first item on her list is clothing for her family.  After that comes the house.  Be sure--with your husband and your checkbook--that now is the right time to spend money on home decor.  After all, God's beautiful woman knows how to wait! {Proverbs 31:2}

Beauty Check #4--Put In Some Overtime

As a Proverbs 31 woman, sometimes we may have to work long and late.  Set aside a Saturday or a an evening for a home improvement project.

Wherever home is for you, it's an expression of you--your virtues, your abilities, your love.  You may not be able to determine the kind of home you have, but you can determine its beauty. 
You control whether it's clean, organized, and orderly.  You also choose your favorite colors, styles, and moods.

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have been such a procastinator when it comes to my blog.  And for that I am very sorry.  
Between work, basketball season, and life.  I have been very busy.
BUT! if you are on facebook, you already know about him.
It's been made facebook it's blog official! :)

This is....well...this is my amazing boyfriend =)

Daniel Counterman and I met last year at Grace Baptist College. We became fast friends and study buddies.
When I returned home from college, we began texting as friends, then slowly over time the texting turned to phone calls, and the phone calls became more frequent.  Soon, even though we live four hours away from each other,  he began to make Saturday trips to spend the day with my family and I. Then we discovered the invention called Skype, and it became much easier to talk.
If you weren't able to tell by now, Daniel and I went from being best friends to somewhat of a couple.  Although it wasn't official quite yet.

Then came Christmas Eve....Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday, and Daniel knows that.  
Christmas Eve I was scheduled to work (go Subway ;))  and then the family was planning on attending our church's Christmas Eve program.  
Well, after coming home from a few hours at work, I got ready for church as normal.  
Once I came downstairs, mom announced that she would be unable to go that night, so she asked me to stay home with her.  This way I could relax, and also help her get dinner going for the family.  
Little did I know that almost half an hour later, would Daniel show up at my front porch.
After talking for a little while between Daniel, Mom and I.  Mom "disappeared" to the bedroom to "wrap" stocking stuffers.  During this time, Daniel and I exchanged our pre-Christmas presents (I'll get to that later) I got him a few fun little things, like cologne and stuff.  What did this incredible guy get me?  Umm...the best thing I could have ever even asked for.  
I won't give exact details on how...but let's just say that he is quite talented and extremely sweet.
So, on December 24, 2012, Daniel asked me to court him. 
And, well, you know I said yes :)
A few weeks ago I spent an entire five days with him and his family, and I am an extremely lucky, spoiled and blessed girl.  

Here's a few pictures of us....

My surprise when I walked into my hotel room...

Yummy ice Hobby Lobby

 Fishy Face! =)

Candlelight....fake....but awesome =)
Daniel =)
 Fancy dinner....
 Our Bibles....
 Cheap Mexican date....Taco Bell (our favorite)

 My favorite picture....

We're courting, not dating. 
"So what is courtship?  Basically it's  a really good idea...and not as strange as you might first think.  It's dating with a purpose.  It's romance chaperoned by wisdom.  It's a way of approaching relationships that can help us live out the truths of God's Word as we pursue our heart's desire.  It's a story of boy meets girl, where--whether you choose to marry or not--you can get to know each other in the confidence that you have only God's very best ahead for each of you."

See you soon!  
~Sara Rose <3