Thursday, October 27, 2011

M&M {and} Ash

Perfect way to describe this relationship.  So cute and such a fun photo shoot!

Happy Fall!

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet and Sixteen

Remember M&M and Ashley's photo shoot this past summer?  Well, she's back! And this time for her Sweet Sixteen photo shoot.  And a continuation of a best friend photo shoot.  Which will be coming soon :)

So here they are!  Enjoy!

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thrift Store Find :)

Yes, I am totally in love with my newest find.  I love anything vintage, especially vintage things that are gorgeous! :)  I found theses two headboards at Goodwill, only for 15 dollars!  I'm very happy with the deal, and I love them even more because they match my bedspread perfectly.  

Anyway, I know I have been a slacker as far as the Proverbs 31 Quest has been going.  But with work these days, it's hard to find a spare moment.  
I promise I will get to it soon.

See you soon!
 Sara Rose <3

Sunday, October 9, 2011

~*Amish Grace*~

In 2006, a gun-man, a local milk truck driver entered a Lancaster, Pennsylvania Amish School.  With him, he had three guns, knives, tape and other various tools.  He sent all the boys, the teacher and other women out of the classroom, keeping ten girls inside with him. They were between the ages of 6-13, one of them, a teacher's aide was slightly older.   Soon after entering the school, he shot all ten children execution style, killing three of them instantly, the rest were hospitalized, were two others died the next morning.
These murders rocked the entire worlds of those who lived in the quiet town of Lancaster.  
Yet forgiveness remained.

I just recently watched the movie "Amish Grace" a movie based on the event of these young girl's death.
And it's a definite "grab the tissues" kind of movie.  It's heartbreaking, listening to the stories of these families, watching how they forgave the man who killed their daughters, all because they knew that the hate inside of their hearts would hurt them more than anyone else.
The story is mostly focused on the mother of the 15 year old teacher's aide.  Although the way the movie portray's this mother isn't known as a fact.  It could very well have been true of most of them. 
Who honestly wouldn't have hated the man that murdered her child.
The entire movie is based on her struggle to forgive, and to even talk to the wife of the man who killed her child.

I won't give any spoilers away, because everyone needs to watch this movie.
It's more than heartbreaking, it's convicting.

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3

Monday, October 3, 2011

This Is What We Call an Intermission...Music Included...

Life can be so hectic sometimes.  Take, for instance, my week.  Between work, a wedding, evangelistic meetings, youth activities, and just plain life, it's hard to find a time to just quiet down, and take a breather.  Sunday is always such a blessing to me.  My family has an amazing church, that not only has other church members that are absolutely wonderful and are amazing friends, but also a pastor that isn't afraid to tell us what needs to be changed in our lives but also our hearts.  I SOO needed Pastor's message this past Sunday. It was 19 things that hinder our prayers from being heard by God...
I strongly encourage you to go to follow the link and 
listen to the sermon, it was so wonderful.

Also, this is one of my new favorite songs!  Take a listen! =)

See you soon!
Sara Rose <3